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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Review: Garden of Souls by Richard Lee Byers

 Garden of Souls is a short story that ties into the Sembia novel series by Richard Lee Byers, just like Shamur's Wager. It can be found in Dragon Magazine issue 283 from May 2001. The story can be found on pages 72-80.

This story takes place well before the Sembia books, as Shamur Uskevren has more recently married Thamalon Uskeveren, and her first child Tamlin is but an infant. Shamur finds herself with an apparition of her grand-niece, who she has been impersonating, appearing in the home of the Karn family. From there she finds herself in otherworldly circumstances, held captive by a fiend.

story arty by Mark Zug

While it was fun to watch a quick situation which Shamur unsurprisingly dominates, it was a tad confusing at first and lacked great entertainment. The conversation at the end made the story worth it, but overall its not Byers best work. I would say it is Acceptable; Fans of Shamur should read this.


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