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Monday, January 27, 2025

News: ANOTHER Forgotten Realms Novel is Coming

 The Fallbacks: Dealing with Dragons is a sequel to Bound for Ruin that released early in 2024. This is set to be released on July 29, 2025. Since the publication of Bound for Ruin there have been no more Forgotten Realms novels (unless I missed something from R. A. Salvatore, may be on purpose at this point) there was the publication of a new Spelljammer novel (only the seventh!) and another Ravenloft novel was announced and is set to be released in May. Dealing with Dragons will continue the adventures from the first book, which I found ok, you can read my thoughts here.

From Penguin Random House:

The Fallbacks return for another adventure in Dungeons & Dragons’ Forgotten Realms!

The Fallbacks might not be Faerun’s first choice for saving the day, but if the money’s right they’ll get the job done. In this ragtag band of adventurers, each member plays a vital role: Tess the disciplined elven thief; Anson the courageous fighter; Lark the cunning bard; Baldric the wily cleric; Cazrin the inquisitive wizard; and Uggie, their pet monster who eats garbage. Squint a little and they’re the heroes Faerun needs.

Fresh off a harrowing journey into the infinite dungeon of Undermountain and the defeat of a powerful undead lich (with the help of a giant hungry worm or two), the adventurers are now a proven and dedicated team, ready for a new adventure which will take them to strange new realms.

While it is not the return to the novel line of old and seems to follow a different style I find less evocative, I have hopes it leads to something more. Be sure to return around release for my thoughts.

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